
Account Insights

Customer Relationships at a Glance

When its time for Enhanced Performance – you need the best technology in real time

Use EaM advanced systems to nurture the health of your customer relationships with our AI driven relationship management tools

  • Measure exactly how engaged your customers truly are,
  • automate logging of CRM activities,
  • use data to plan your meetings, and
  • understand precisely the actions needed to nurture, grow and retain clients
BeeCastle Account Insights Logo
BeeCastle Account Insights Logo
BeeCastle Account Insights Logo

Company History

Use data to calculate the strength of your business relationships and determine the next best action you can take.

Company History

Combine experience data and behaviour cues and map out the end-to-end customer journey so you can step in at the right time to remove friction and optimise their journey.

Company History

Search for any company with our global search and then dive in to a new world of detail

Understand the strength of the relationship, the history of engagement from emails, meetings, teams calls and meetings notes all shared with the team in real time and stored in a central cloud for ease of access

BeeCastle Companies
BeeCastle Companies
BeeCastle Companies

Meeting Notes

Add both a star rating and a score to your meeting notes to enhance the quality of your records

BeeCastle’s meting notes are stored centrally and automatically surface against each account for simplicity and convenience

When the note is entered, the note is automatically shared via email with those team mates who were invited to the meeting and also any others you desire to copy. Any user can access the note and add to the contents, all of which is carefully tracked

BeeCastle Meeting Notes
BeeCastle Meeting Notes
BeeCastle Meeting Notes

Recommendations that drive results

BeeCastle will automatically reach out to you to prompt you to take action.  The system and methodology driven by our proprietary algorithms helps you stay on top of clients to nurture the relationship

The science behind relationship equity and reciprocity is compelling.  As you build equity into your relationships, the dividends you receive in referrals, low churn, more sales and ease of issues resolution is rewarding

BeeCastle next best action prompt
BeeCastle next best action prompt
BeeCastle next best action prompt

Ready to see how BeeCastle can improve your business relationships?

Contact History

Use data to calculate the strength of your business relationships and determine the next best action you can take.

Contact History

Combine experience data and behaviour cues and map out the end-to-end customer journey so you can step in at the right time to remove friction and optimise their journey.


Review a key contact prior to a meeting or call to understand the complete history of engagement from both yourself and team members and be fully prepared to engage intelligently with full context.
BeeCastle Contact History
BeeCastle Contact History
BeeCastle Contact History

Account Files

Keep all your account files in one place. Securely stored in BeeCastle, all team members can access the latest Managed Services Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement or other documents the client has shared with you.  Keeping up to date on these documents is critical to underwriting the long-standing value of your business.  

Helping your account managers to access the Managed Services Agreement in real time when looking to up-sell or cross-sell or simply resolve issues enhances their ability to provide best in class service by having the full picture.

BeeCastle Account Files
BeeCastle Account Files
BeeCastle Account Files

Ready to see how BeeCastle can improve your teams's performance?