
MSP Owners

Data can drive lasting value

The ultimate test of any new tool is its ability to create sustaining value for the business that benefits the shareholders. Increasing the value of your MSP is the primary goal of BeeCastle and we seek to achieve this through helping you achieve:

  • Excellence in account management.
  • Prospecting for best fit cross-sell and up-sell opportunities.
  • Enhancing strategic decision making through data.
BeeCastle - For Owners Logo
BeeCastle - For Owners Logo
BeeCastle - For Owners Logo
Solutions for MSP Owners

Solutions for MSP Owners

Popular solutions for Business Owners include: Business Benchmarking, Client Tiering, Revenue Analytics, Team KPIs and Sales Dashboards.

Understanding Revenue

BeeCastle’s revenue analytics helps Business Owners gain a deeper understanding of their revenue over time and to truly understand revenue composition, churn, trends and growth drivers to enable best practice.

As a Business Owner once you understand the key drivers to your revenue movements you can objectively set strategy and take action to drive results.

BeeCastle - Understanding Revenue Graphic
BeeCastle - Understanding Revenue Graphic
BeeCastle - Understanding Revenue Graphic

Account Profitability

BeeCastle has created a unique view of you accounts with sophisticated data analysis that is both fast to comprehend and simple to execute suggested actions.
Review – take action – measure outcome
BeeCastle - Account Profitability Graphic
BeeCastle - Account Profitability Graphic
BeeCastle - Account Profitability Graphic

Business Benchmarking

Benchmarking is important because it allows Business Owners to form objective assessments of their performance on a larger scale.  It helps companies make meaning from their metrics and use them to drive change and achieve best practice. 

Our data is sources from BeeCastle users, market research we conduct, and data supplied or published by our partners that we consider credible.

BeeCastle Business Benchmarking
BeeCastle Business Benchmarking
BeeCastle Business Benchmarking

Ready to see how BeeCastle can improve your business relationships?