Embracing Data Transformation: A Strategic Imperative for MSPs
Introducing the art and science of Enhanced Account Management
This post is part one of a series on the art and science of Enhanced Account Management where we delve into the details of how MSPs can use data and analytics to transform their client relationships and fully realise their business objectives. In this post we look at who is responsible for driving excellence in account management, and the challenges they will face.
Data transformation is everyone’s responsibility
MSP owners continue the mission toward autonomous business intelligence and data transformation, as customers increasingly face a increasing load of economic challenges together with rising compliance and cyber costs. Investing in digital business intelligence opportunities that look to reduce cost whilst also enhancing client relationships and grow revenue are an excellent proposition.
Prioritising digital strategies to optimise business systems can deliver real-time and predictive insights and meaning full revenue growth. This will prepare the organization for economic volatility, while at the same time, allow for new opportunities to increase both revenue and profitability.
A broader team is involved now
MSP owners are increasingly granting an expanded mandate to the broader leadership team. CFOs, CROs, VCIOs and other members of the leadership team are increasingly closer to business operations and act as key partners, looking to marry both increasing the availability of actionable insights to drive revenue together with searching for efficiencies within the organisation.
MSP owners, supported by the leadership team, must invest in digital transformation that will make the organization more efficient, higher performing and more responsive.
MSP owners, together with the senior leadership team, need to navigate a large number of competing business priorities including multiple options for technology transformation. To determine the right priorities and people for their transformation owners should be:
- Defining, socialising and setting clear objectives
- Finding the project champions in your team
- Looking for ways to encourage broad based adoption to ensure a business-led, employee-centric model
Your Enhanced Account Management Journey
Coming up in part two of our series on Enhanced Account Management, we will define the concept and introduce BeeCastle’s value add methodology for achieving it for your organisation.